What Is a Community Cat?

“It takes a village” to raise a kid, but it also takes a village to care for community cats! But what is a “community cat”? A community cat is one that isn’t a pet. In the past, people may have referred to these cats as ferals or strays, but we like to stay away from those terms as they tend to have negative connotations associated with those words. And we are all about giving our community cats the respect and compassion they deserve. 

The best way to improve the lives of community cats is by promoting and facilitating trap-neuter-return (TNR). When you sterilize a community cat through TNR, you improve their life by preventing breeding. Bastrop CATS actively facilitates effective TNR’ing as the most  humane method of community cat management. 

But we can’t do it without your help! If you see a cat, spay a cat! Of course, we know not everyone is hiding a veterinarian in the spare closet next to the wrapping paper, so Bastrop CATS is dedicated to enabling this process.

Contact us about any community cats you may see, host traps on your land, donate to help cover the cost of spay/neutering and medical cases, and tell your friends about the work we as a community do to help improve the lives of community cats. 

You can also support community cats by participating in this year’s Amplify Austin! Amplify Austin is the annual 24 hours that Central Texas pledges to giving to the community. This year, it is 6pm  on Thursday, March 4th through 6pm on Friday, March 5th.

When you give during Amplify Austin, 100% of contributions goes to taking care of TNR’ing community cats in the Bastrop area. Bookmark our Amplify Austin page and mark your calendar because it’s coming up in a week and a half!

One thought on “What Is a Community Cat?”

  1. Thank you so much for treating CC (Crazy Cat) and Peeper before I moved to Fort Worth just in time for the cold weather! Welcome to Fort Worth and six days of no power!

    I could leave in good conscience with both cats treated and vaccinated, also finding out that three other people/houses in the neighborhood were feeding them. No wonder CC was so big!

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