So You Finally Trapped That Cat. Now What?

by Eileen Haag

Inevitably we get calls or emails every year, with a “I just trapped this cat. Can you come pick it up?” 

Pick it up and put it where?!  

We are not a shelter, and we work out of our homes just like you. 

One of the biggest mistakes newbies make when trapping a cat is trapping without a plan in place. At this time of year, all outdoor female cats of age are pregnant, in heat, or lactating. TNR groups have waiting lists for cats to be fixed just like the one you caught.  

  1. Vet appointments for spay/neuter are hard to come by and usually require a significant number of days’ or weeks’ wait. Do you have a plan of where you will hold that cat while waiting for an appointment?
  2. A vet appointment at a private vet will likely be charging full price. Can you afford it?
  3. The cat may be lactating and have babies nearby who may die if you hold her too long while trying to figure out a plan.
  4. Do you know how to care for a cat in a trap? How to feed and clean the trap safely?
  5. What is your plan for the cat? Are you going to fix it and release it back to where you trapped it? Are you hoping someone else will take this cat? Most local shelters no longer accept grown cats and rescues are all full with cats.  What if no one will take the cat? What will you do then?  

Please don’t trap without a plan in place.  

We understand your intentions are good and you want to help the cat, but it is important to think out a plan before you trap. There are exceptions to this if you find a cat injured or seriously ill, then trap and take to a vet. However, in most cases you can take time to make a plan first. 

Step 1: Make a plan.

Step 2: Find yummy bait food.

Step 3. Set the trap.

Step 4: Clang! 

So, get those plans, people, to best care for the kitties!

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