Happy Birthday, Betty Jo!

By TerrieLynn Bach


On Friday, April 29, 2022, Bastrop C.A.T.S. held a Happy Hour Birthday Party for Betty Jo, who turned 5 years old! 

Many of our trappers and volunteers came out to celebrate, bearing gifts of kitten and cat food, supplements, cat litter, and cat toys. All in honor of Betty Jo, daughter of Patsy, who helped officially launch Bastrop C.A.T.S. into full-time TNR with the Patsy Project in February 2018. 

Over the course of 2017, two litters, a total of ten kittens were born to Patsy at ColoVista, who eluded capture to be spayed through our TNR program for all that time. But persistence paid off and eventually she was caught, spayed, and vaccinated!

All of the other nine kittens were also spay/neutered and either placed in homes or barn homes, depending on their temperament. Betty Jo is the tenth and only remaining kitty on site today, which suits this sleek mini panther to a T. Her days are spent chasing the occasional errant golf ball, keeping the vermin in check, and charming visitors to the golf shop. 

Halfway into the party and everyone is asking about her. Ms Betty Jo has not shown herself.  Where is Betty Jo?

However, it was only moments after we arrived with the cake for the hoomans and the very special tuna/sardine cake for Herself in hand, that Her Royal Diva Self appeared, seemingly out of nowhere, strolling across the grass right through the middle of the party!  She knew to make her grand entrance only when the appropriate offering had arrived!

Lots of photos were taken as Betty Jo calmly ate tuna and sardines until she had eaten the whole thing!

A fun and fabulous time was had by all!  Betty Jo was thoroughly cleaning her whiskers as we left. 


Note: Patsy’s name is actually an acronym for our TNR Program. 

Pinpoint: Identify unfixed, free-roaming cats or colonies of feral cats in Bastrop County.

Appointments: Schedule appointments with Bastrop C.A.T.S. through our Facebook Messenger page or via email. 

Trap: Use humane traps to safely trap the cats for their surgeries. 

Surgery day: Transport the cats in the traps to the appointed location for surgery in the morning and pick up later in the day. 

You: Provide donations through Amplify Austin, PayPal, Venmo, or cash. Volunteer to trap, transport, and help us spread the word. TNR works!