Teamwork Saves Lives

By TerrieLynn Bach

Earlier in February, just before the arctic front dropped temperatures into the teens here, Bastrop C.A.T.S. coordinated with PAWS Shelter of Central Texas to place eleven of our local community kittens into their adoption program. The amazing team at PAWS took in a total of 26 puppies and kittens that day! 

DenMar’s Animal Refuge Network transported the kittens, helping these babies to get into a warm and loving home this winter. 

Bastrop C.A.T.S. also arranged for three adult cats to get transport to a northern state, two kittens to Bastrop Shelter, and three more kittens to PAWS this week. This makes a total of nineteen cats and kittens off the streets and headed to new safe and loving homes this winter!

A big Meow Out of Thanks to DenMar with their transport van, PAWS and all the other shelters, and fosters and volunteers who helped make this endeavor a huge success to save these precious babies’ lives! Cat rescue truly does take a village!

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