“Shoulda Put a Ring on It”

Step out of the way, Beyoncé, because this is the type of ring that no cat wants: ringworm. 

Last month, two litters of kittens came into the animal shelter within a day of each other, and these kittens had the worst case of ringworm Bastrop CATS leader Martha has ever seen. They were missing fur across their tiny faces and bodies, and some were completely bald. 









Because of the contagious nature of ringworm, these seven kittens were surely going to be euthanized on Monday, but Martha and a couple others in our Awesome Cat Community stepped up to foster them. These foster parents took the adorable kittens to see the private vet and –four-page treatment plans later– they’re doing so much better!  The ringworm has not continued to spread, and they were saved from euthanasia at the shelter!









To stay up-to-date with these kittens’ progress, make sure you like our Facebook page

These seven kittens (and Mongo Jerry) aren’t the only cats that have gone to a private vet for treatment. Since January 1, 2020, Bastrop CATS has spent over $6,000 on 74 private vet visits to make sure that the felines in our community are healthy. We need your help to continue to improve Mongo Jerry’s, these seven kittens’, and other cats’ quality of life! You can help give cats like Mongo Jerry a better quality of life by donating to our PayPal, purchasing items on our Amazon wishlist, having a portion of the profits from your Amazon purchases come to us, or by mailing a check. Thank you for your generosity!