Frankie “Sinatra” Singing a Different Tune

By TerrieLynn Bach


A couple of years ago, one of our TNR clients, Joni, acquired a new property. The previous owner informed her that her new place came with a resident feral cat. And, although many had tried in the past, no one had succeeded in trapping this smart guy!

Once Joni got moved in, she decided she would trap and get him neutered. She started feeding him every evening on her porch. As Frankie got accustomed to the routine, he began to “sing for his supper” whenever his food wasn’t out there according to HIS time schedule!


Joni borrowed a trap from Bastrop C.A.T.S. and started setting it up on her porch, so it would become part of his normal environment. Yet even with all kinds of tasty enticements, he wouldn’t go far enough into the trap to be caught. She even tried disguising the trap in a box and a big paper bag. Frankie was just too smart to be fooled! 

But Joni was persistent! She diligently tried to catch this elusive feline for six weeks without success.


Bastrop C.A.T.S. offered a new approach: the Drop Trap! This device must be attended and takes extra time and attention. She set the drop trap up and started feeding him under it. Perhaps this contraption didn’t look like a trap to Frankie. He wasn’t as wary of it and gobbled up his supper without a care in the world.

Two weeks later, Joni got him! Now he’s neutered, rabies-vaccinated, and still singing for his supper –even asking for seconds!


If you are having a hard time catching a super smart, wily, feral cat, ask us about the Drop Trap by emailing us at!