By TerrieLynn Bach
Early in November, we saw a post on social media for an injured stray kitty who appeared to have a broken leg. As often happens, the person posting was unable to help this cat (they didn’t have a car or money) and didn’t know what to do. With the help of several volunteers, Bastrop C.A.T.S. was able to get this kitty into Fayette County Vet to be seen.
X-rays showed that she had a dislocated ankle, something that cannot be successfully fixed in cats. She also had puncture wounds on both back legs, possibly indicating something (dog, coyote, etc.) got a hold of her by the back legs, and she likely escaped with her life! We named her Zimmer for the vet, but her foster changed her name to Winnie.
A few days later, we had her scheduled for surgery to amputate her leg at the knee joint. Winnie now has a peg leg.
Winnie is an all black cat, about 6 years old, already spayed (probably by us!) and not feral at all; she’s sweet!
But we won’t be able to return her to living on the streets again. As a tripod, she would be at a disadvantage. When she recovers from her surgery, she will need an indoor home.
Winnie is doing well, using the litterbox, eating, playing and being a cat!

This is the work that Bastrop C.A.T.S. does every day, every week: we assist community cats and the people who care about their welfare.
If you would like to help the community, stray, feral cats of Bastrop County, especially in your immediate neighborhood, we could really use your help as a volunteer. If you only have a few hours a week, we would definitely love to have your help as a volunteer trapper, transporter, and/or foster. If you have social media/computer skills, we really need you!
Nationwide, there is a trend of a decline of volunteers willing to share their time, talents, and gifts. But we can’t do this important work for the community cats of Bastrop without you. Please, even if you can only give us one hour of your time a month, contact us. We can use you!
Please email us at to get on our volunteer list.