Creative Client Sends a Poetic Request for Barn Cats

We were delighted to receive this request a few weeks ago:

Hello my friends,

I humbly request for your assistance. It’s been a long and hard war in our barn, while we have technology, they have the numbers. We have already lost so much… horse and chicken rations, a saddle, and the destruction! Oh the destruction. They soon will take over; they make the finger across the throat sign at me. I fear they will next come for the house.

We are in need of a comrade  with murderous mittens of malicious magnitude. We are fine with a pair, especially if they work as a team.

I care not if they are a General Pawtton or Jack Spurrow, as long as he can get the detestable deeds done. He will be highly rewarded for the defeat of our enemies. Canned cat food, chicken, tuna, the comfiest of beds in the highest places in the barn.

Please let us know if you have a warrior for our cause.

We are in the process of getting two “comrades” to them! 

Are you on the hunt for a barn cat to help keep your barn, patio and yard in order?   We often come across a situation where the cats we TNR need to be relocated.  For a minimum donation of $25 per cat we can get your new working cats to you and provide ideas to acclimate them to your barn or porch so that they will understand that is their new home.  Just email us at  

2 thoughts on “Creative Client Sends a Poetic Request for Barn Cats”

  1. I have 4 kittens and a male Tom- trapped and need to be fixed. We have too many animals of our own to keep these. We are not against letting them live on our property if they are fixed. I don’t have the budget to get all of them fixed. Do yall have any solutions to help me get them fixed cheaper? Please help. We will have 8 cats total if we keep these. It’s just too many

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